Guest Network
Our network is designed to connect participants to the internet, each other, and their loved ones, providing an easy-to-use WiFi experience that generates added value for a range of situations. Some examples include:
Locating friends: Attendees can use the WiFi network to stay in touch with their friends and easily find each other at the event.
Checking in at home: The WiFi network allows attendees to stay connected with their loved ones and keep them updated on their whereabouts.
Mobile banking: Attendees can use the WiFi network to access their mobile banking apps and make financial transactions.
Giving/receiving help: The WiFi network enables attendees to seek or offer assistance to one another during the event.
Getting emergency notifications: The WiFi network allows attendees to receive important updates and alerts in the case of an emergency.
Checking event websites for details: Attendees can use the WiFi network to access event websites and stay informed about the latest happenings at the event.
In regions where cellular service may be spotty or unavailable, the added value provided by our WiFi network can bring immense relief to attendees. If you’re interested in using our network for your event, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us by clicking the contact button. We’ll be happy to help you plan a successful event.