How does it all work?


Utilizing satellite internet, and long-range radio antennas to hit the nearest cellular tower, along with the ability to tap into any local resources available our robust load balancing and failover solution is hardy enough to provide 99.9% uptime and speeds to accommodate your needs.


Users and groups to give the right users the priority and speeds they require to get the job done. guests can be limited to reserve bandwidth for high stakes artist / media / staff as needed and customized for your event.


Our unique approach to traffic shaping coupled with multiple internet sources and direct links to space that don’t depend on the local availability of resources gives us the ability to do a lot more with a lot less setup time and overhead.

Wi-Fi 6:

Wi-Fi 6 enables a new generation of tools and built-in features that allows for greater amounts of clients per access points (client density), higher speeds of connectivity per device, more Wi-Fi channels to utilize, and automatic channel negotiation with any neighboring Wi-Fi devices along with an end to channel/signal quality issues that have lead to failures and inability to add your guests into the internet equation at events.


Our bread and butter in deploying our networks is taking advantage of WiFi6’s new meshing abilities. not having to run hard lines to every access point means substantially less cost, greater area coverage, placement adaptability, and greater reliability overall.


More clients, more bandwidth, more locations, more happy users. less downtime, less wireless spectrum problems, less setup time, less wires, and less cost of deployment.


We designed a custom battery solution to run our front end that is not tied to a generator or grid that stays always on with a small solar and wind setup so as to remove the noise, downtime, and pollution from generators.

we also designed a miniature battery, POE supply, and solar charge controller for each of our access points so we can place them literally anywhere and with their meshing capabilities that means we can focus on their ideal placement without a single wire needing be placed on precious land. no more trenching. no more cable ramps, no more tedium’s and long setups / tear downs. 

Power to last:

We designed our head end, and access point solution to have enough power to last a few days without any solar input, because rainy days happen. Portability, and reliability are our mantras.



Not only were renewable energy sources better for the environment, they were better in every way for our design and deployment. we are proud to be early adapters of this planet saving and game changing technology.



Smash that contact button to get started on your journey to the next level of audience connectivity and secure your booking today!